On The Economic Horizon: What to expect in the coming months
In light of the recent economic volatility, a lot of people are wondering what's going to happen next. No one can see the future, but I want to paint a broad picture of what could likely happen, and...
View ArticleDoomed To Repeat: A look at two market meltdowns
We're in the midst of an economic crisis.
View ArticleHigh-Frequency Trading: Two million times faster than a speeding bullet
Just how fast is high-frequency trading?
View ArticleMoney's Tight, But Time is on Your Side
The way to build wealth -- rather than live paycheck to paycheck -- is to make your money work for you.
View ArticleDon't Panic When The Stock Market Takes A Tumble
If you’re new to the stock market, you may have been told on more than one occasion not to obsess over your portfolio on a daily basis, and for good reason. Depending on the nature and amount of your...
View ArticleCurrentcy
We won't be surprised if you haven't heard these stories in the media, but they're important because they impact our young, thin wallets.
View ArticleSqueezing Money Out Of Strangers: 10 fundraisers that hit pay dirt
Got a passion in need of promotion? If you need a little help raising money for a cause (no matter what it is), you’ll probably want to take a few notes.
View ArticleTurn Your Tax Refund into $100,000 by Investing in Yourself
April 15 is Tax Day, and nearly 90 percent of people have already received their refunds. The average refund at this point? $2,893.
View ArticleInvesting Made Easy: There's an app for that
Investing can seem like a complicated and mysterious beast. How are we supposed to make sense of all of the jibber-jabbery jargon and numbers? Company-matching 401ks, Roth IRAs maxed out at $5,500...
View ArticlePenny Stocks and the Wolves of Wall Street
The stock market is complicated. Most people only invest through their 401k or IRA retirement plans. It takes a person obsessed with money, or at least numbers, to truly enjoy watching the stock...
View ArticleHow I Bought My First House at 23
Like many young people my first priority after high school was to go to college. However, upon doing further research (hours of Googling and browsing Craigslist for jobs), the future employment market...
View ArticleThree Perks of Investing That Have Nothing to Do With Money
Talk to people nearing retirement and they will say they wish they had saved more.
View ArticleInvesting Gone Wrong: How I lost my life savings
My father taught me about money at a young age. By 19 I had already traveled to multiple wealth-building seminars across the country ranging in everything from stock trading, real estate and to making...
View ArticleTips on Car Buying
Purchasing your first car in a big deal. It's a great lesson in finances, too. Whether you're looking for something new or used, Dr. Sean Stein Smith is ready to answer you car-buying questions to help...
View ArticleGrowing Roots: Jacob Kose educates future generations about farming
As long as there are humans living on Planet Earth, there's going to need to be food to feed all of us. And that food has to be grown somewhere, by someone.
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